Tuesday, 20 October 2015

You are beautiful

To you reading this, yes you, keep reading, it's a reminder that you are one of a kind :)

You may have lost confidence in yourself
You may feel inadequate
You may feel you're not pretty enough
You may feel you're not tall enough, or skinny enough, or smart enough

Who cares! You may not be the prettiest or the smartest or the skinniest but you are unique in every way
There are over 6 billion people in the world but there is only one of you and that is something to behold!
No one can ever be you, bask in that for a moment...
All those people you admire and look up to can never be as unique as you are
So stop, stop worry and doubting yourself, cos babe, you are truly amazing and a precious gem

You are one of a kind, don't let anyone tell you different
You the best of you and no one and nothing can ever take that away from you darling.

So, smile, raise your head up, wipe those tears, stand tall and be confident because you are a QUEEN and YOU can rule the world!


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