Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Love YOU first

“It gets lonely sometimes, I sit back and wonder if there’s something wrong with me or something I’m doing wrong, and each time I hit a brick wall as cannot fully understand why I am still single. I am old enough to be in a responsible relationship with the hope of settling down and starting a family but for some reason, the possibility of that is farther away from me each passing day. I often ask myself, where did I go wrong? Did I make a mistake when I was younger I am now paying for? Or is the universe just punishing me for no just cause? 
Finally, I resolved that the best thing to do I live while I wait for this man to show up. I decided to pick myself up from self pity and be the woman I can be with everything God has given me. I am going to find myself again, rediscover what I love doing and what makes me happy and just do them. I realized, I cannot sit here in self pity, depressed about my marital status any longer as it was making me age faster, wrinkles of worry and fear had formed on my face and I just saw them, how did I let myself get to this point of enormous unhappiness? I have so much to be grateful for and so much to live for and I allowed the fact that I am without a spouse rule me. No more, I am going to start focusing on me, love me, focus on the good things life has to offer, the solutions and not the problems(I may be single now but my prince charming is on his way), and no matter how lonely and quiet it gets, on a daily basis I will choose to be happy.”

Honey, do you feel this way sometimes? Do you get tired of the single status and just want a man to settle down and have kids with, I get you boo, he will come but before he does, live your life to the fullest, travel, try new things, explore the world in a responsible way, find yourself again, love yourself, get a new hobby, progress in your career, simply be you and be happy, and at the right time, he will show up.


Friday, 20 November 2015

Victory Over Pain

"I am there in the morning, I'm there at night, I'm the first thing you feel when you get up in the morning. I take joy in seeing you cry and I get my strength from your weakness.
I get fatter when you give up, it is like food to my stomach when you cry yourself to sleep.
The days you thought of ending it all were my happiest days but I was disappointed when you started choosing not to. You have abandoned me now, the tears I derived joy from have been replaced with laughter, I am now miserable because you do not worry anymore. I am hungry because you've chosen to keep holding on. Why?! Why have you chosen to be a strong woman today, why have you forsaken me and chosen to be happy today? I no longer have room in your life, you have replaced me in your thoughts, I am now dying and soon I will be no more because you have moved on and you are happy now".
Signed- Pain.

This is what happens when you choose to be strong no matter what, to be hopeful even when you don't see any signs of things getting better, to be happy no matter what. It destroys every pain, fear, sadness in your life when you take a stand to not let them rule over you anymore.

Keep choosing to be happy today, make no room for sadness, fear and pain.
Stay blessed!


Thursday, 12 November 2015


Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, no matter how long it may last, each season ends; and another begins, it's an unending circle.

I use this to console myself when things get tough sometimes, I remain strong because I know it may seem like forever now but like every season, it too shall pass and I get my peace back.

Whatever you may be going through, be rest assured it too shall pass and a new season shall come so hold on and do not be dismayed, you will be just fine.


Sunday, 8 November 2015

Destined for Greatness

I may not be able to tell what the future holds right this minute but one thing I am sure of is I am destined for greatness and no matter how things get, I hold on to this. I will be great someday, I don't know when or how but I will be.

I have been through so much I could write a book but I wouldn't know where to start, there are so many stories and they were humbling processes that helped mold
me daily to be the woman I've been destined to be.

You have a destiny, do not shortchange yourself because you cannot see this so you don't ruin your tomorrow by giving up hope today. You will be great because you are destined for greatness!

Speak who and want to be and it will stand.


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Love of God first

Recently, I finally realized something very important, and that is, "a man who does not have the love of God in him, cannot love you or himself, because he is incapable of love". 
Let me put it this way, God is love and with Him we learn how to love ourselves and when we love ourselves we are able to love the people around us, without Him, we simply cannot grasp the concept of love and therefore incapable loving ourselves or showing love. It all first starts with God, now if God is not in the picture, the source of love is absent and when the source of pure unadulterated love is not there, all that is left is lust and infatuation which is very easily confused with love.

So, if the man you’re in a relationship with does not have God his life, and does not have the love of God in his heart, I’m sorry but you’re wasting your time luv. He is incapable of loving you. Many of us girls stick around, believing that he will change, be nicer, more romantic, spontaneous, treat us like queens and all that, when we know deep down it is not possible. Only God can change a man, we can’t; and sitting around with a guy for years, unhappy in a loveless relationship giving your all to him will not make him love you because he does not have the love of God in him.

So darling, pick up your bags and move on. You have stayed with this man for years or maybe months, there is no sign of him popping the question, what are you waiting for? Or is he abusing you? And I don’t mean just physically, emotionally too, if he is, leave. Don’t wait around showing him love and expecting him to do the same because he does not have that ability until he turns to God.

If you do choose to stick around because your heart won’t just let go, then pray, pray and introduce him to the Alpha and the Omega, The beginning and the end, the I Am that I Am, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, bring him to Jesus, get down on your knees and pray that he turns to God so he can have Jesus as his Lord and Savior, then he gets the capacity to love you in sickness and in health.

Sweetheart, if by any chance the problem is you, and you do not have the ability to love today, the solution is pretty easy, give your life to Jesus today, He will teach you how to because He loves you very much.


Sunday, 1 November 2015

You will win the war

I wonder what I did that was so unforgivable that you completely shut me out. All I ever did was love you, a mistake I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life. I thought you might be the one, deep down I knew you weren’t but more than anything I wanted it to be you, I wanted you to want me, to be loved, was that overstepping? I’ve never been good enough, just for once I wanted to be; I wanted you to look at me and see nothing else but me, I wanted to be more.

I get lonely sometimes, and I still hurt deeply, for years, this wound has not healed and I’ve tried, I’ve done everything to fill this hole within but nothing has worked. I know I can get through this, and the tears right now are proof of my humanity and a step forward towards redemption. I am not good now but I will be tomorrow. It will be slow and painful but I know but I am a strong independent woman and I will get through this. After all, what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger. I am a fighter and I will continue to fight; I may have lost this battle but I will win this war.

More than anything, I have Jesus, and I know He loves me, even if it may be difficult because I can’t exactly see Him right now but I know He’s here with me. If you’re feeling down right now, ready to give up, don’t, the sun always rises no matter how dark the night gets and so will you. You will shine, brighter than you could possible imagine, you will win the war. :)
