“It gets lonely sometimes, I sit back and wonder if there’s
something wrong with me or something I’m doing wrong, and each time I hit a brick
wall as cannot fully understand why I am still single. I am old enough to be
in a responsible relationship with the hope of settling down and starting a family
but for some reason, the possibility of that is farther away from me each
passing day. I often ask myself, where did I go wrong? Did I make a mistake when
I was younger I am now paying for? Or is the universe just punishing me for no
just cause?
Finally, I resolved that the best thing to do I live while I wait
for this man to show up. I decided to pick myself up from self pity and be the
woman I can be with everything God has given me. I am going to find myself
again, rediscover what I love doing and what makes me happy and just do them. I
realized, I cannot sit here in self pity, depressed about my marital status any
longer as it was making me age faster, wrinkles of worry and fear had formed on
my face and I just saw them, how did I let myself get to this point of enormous
unhappiness? I have so much to be grateful for and so much to live for and I allowed
the fact that I am without a spouse rule me. No more, I am going to start
focusing on me, love me, focus on the good things life has to offer, the
solutions and not the problems(I may be single now but my prince charming is on
his way), and no matter how lonely and quiet it gets, on a daily basis I will
choose to be happy.”
Honey, do you feel this way sometimes? Do you get tired of
the single status and just want a man to settle down and have kids with, I get
you boo, he will come but before he does, live your life to the fullest,
travel, try new things, explore the world in a responsible way, find yourself
again, love yourself, get a new hobby, progress in your career, simply be you
and be happy, and at the right time, he will show up.